Omaka Wings & Wheels Day 1st Sept 2024

Celebrate Father's Day with the Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre's Wings & Wheels Open Day!

**** UPDATE: 31 AUGUST - We are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! Please ensure you are following our Facebook page for the most up-to-date information. In the meantime, here are some FAQ's

  1. Where can I get my tickets? Tickets are only available via THIS website (cheapest) or at the gate. Anyone trying to sell their tickets "they no longer need" are not genuine.
  2. Can I bring my dog? Yes BUT - please consider carefully before doing so. Due to the number of people and "aircraft noise" it could be scary for them. If you do bring your dog, they MUST be on a lead and please ensure you have an ample supply of doggy "do" bags!
  3. Can I bring my own food and drink? Yes, except for alcoholic beverages. We ask, however, that you do not use the cafe and the immediate outdoor seating as these are reserved for those who have made purchases from the Omaka Cafe and our invited food sellers. Please feel free to bring a picnic blanket or deck chairs.
  4. What is flying and when? Please keep scrolling down for the program but remember, weather conditions may mean we have to make amendments. Safety first!
  5. Would you like to see my pics? Yes! If you have social media, we would love for you to tag us on FB: @omakaAHC and Instagram: @omakaaviationcentrenz and use #omakawingsandwheels
  6. Can I go for a flight? Yes! The Marlborough Aero Club are offering training flights in their Piper Tomahawks, Bill Reid's magnificent Mk.1 Avro Anson and Legend Aviation in their Harvard! Plus, Full Noise will be offering the chance to purchase vouchers to be among the first to fly in their Reno Racer at an AMAZING price. Flights are strictly limited, so if you want to do this, make sure to get in early!

Make sure to mark Sunday, September 1st, 2024, on your calendar for an amazing day of flying and a fantastic display of classic aircraft and cars, including Steadfast, the Harvard, the Avro Anson and WW1 aircraft, it's going to be a day not to be missed. The gates open at 10 am, with the flying program kicking off at 11 am.

We have a spectacular lineup of aircraft planned from throughout the ages, both in the air and on the ground. Between flying displays, wander via a magical collection of classic cars. Re-hydrate and refuel at the Omaka Cafe and various guest food outlets. Bring your picnic rugs and deck chairs, and make yourself comfortable because you won't want to leave!

And don't forget to take the opportunity to visit the two remarkable exhibitions at the Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre. Entry to both is included in your Omaka Wings & Wheels ticket. For value for money, it doesn't get any better than this! Buy the best-priced tickets online and beat the queues!

Preliminary Flying Display & Mosquito & WW1 Rotary Engine Runs Program

1030      -          DH Mosquito Engine Run
1100      -          WW1 Flying Display*
1145      -          Harvard 60 Flying Display
1200      -          WW1 Engine Run
1230      -          Anson Flying Display
1250      -          DH Mosquito Engine Run *** Lucky draw - make sure to put your name in the yellow box. You must be present to win!**
1315      -          Pitts Special Flying Display
1345      -          PO-2 or Waco Flying Display
1355      -          DH Mosquito Engine Run *** Auction - make your Mosquito dreams come true!**
1415      -          FG-1D Corsair Flying Display
1425      -          Yak 3U Steadfast Flying Display
1440      -          WW1 Engine Run

Please note all display aircraft are subject to change

Tickets selling online!

Book online for the best price:  Adults (18+): $25, Youth (14-17 years): $12 & Children (5-13 years): $8 + a booking fee. Tickets will also be available at the gate. Adults $30, Youth $15 & Children $10

Getting there:

The Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre is located at 79 Aerodrome Road, Blenheim. Parking is at the Car Club Grounds. Limited spaces are available for mobility parking permit holders within the Omaka AHC grounds. For more updates, please like and follow our FB page.

We are open 7 Days, 9am - 5pm. 14 Rosina Corlett Lane, via Aerodrome Rd, Omaka, Blenheim, NZ.